


He shall conduct official correspondence of the University on all matters pertaining to the Examinations.

  • He shall act as the Secretary of the Unfair Means Committee.
  • Subject to the control of the Vice-Chancellor, he shall conduct the examinations of the University.
  • Subject to the control of the Vice-Chancellor, he shall responsible for framing the Regulations relating to examinations which by the Act are to be prescribed or regulated by Regulations.
  • He shall be responsible to provide regularly the Vice-Chancellor with adequate information on all examination matters and to bring to the notice of the Vice-Chancellor any infringement of the Regulations pertaining to the examination and ensure that the decision of the Syndicate, Vice-Chancellor and other competent authority communicated to him are given effect.
  • He shall issue the detailed marks certificate, total marks certificates, provisional certificates, transcripts and degree to the candidates, except the provisional certificate of passing the final examination which shall be issued by the Dean of the Faculty concerned.
  • He shall be responsible to maintain secrecy in the printing of question papers, tabulation of the examination sheets.
  • He shall grant casual leave to the officers working under him.
  • He shall grant all kinds of leave except study leave/leave ex-Pakistan to 'B' and 'C' class employees working under him.
  • To sanction conveyance charges performed in the interest of the University.
  • To sanction remuneration charges and to countersign the T.A., D.A. bills of the Examiners.
  • To sanction journey performed in the interest of the University work and countersign T.A bill of the staff working under him.
  • To prepare annual report/reports on the conduct of Examinations.
  • To perform such other duties as may be assigned to him by the Vice-Chancellor from time to time.


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