Hawei UET Telecome IT Centre
University of Engineering & Technology (UET), Lahore took a new leap in Telecom Engineering with the establishment of Huawei UET Joint Telecom IT Centre. This centre is a training facility for engineers of Huawei technologies and industry. This centre also provides a perfect place for students to gain experience and knowledge related to practical approach of communication standards.
Huawei UET Joint Telecom IT Centre (HUTIC) was inaugurated in 2002-03 in UET, in collaboration with Huawei Technologies. Equipment of worth 3 Million USD was installed in its first phase. Then installed GSM network contained following modules.
GSM Modules - Phase I | ||
BTS312 |
BSC32, |
MSC, |
C&C08. |
HLR, |
The centre was established on the first floor of main Al-KICS building.
After 6 years of successful collaboration, Huawei has donated the latest version of GSM/GPRS equipment, worth 5.2 Million USD in the second phase. With this investment by Huawei, UET can offer the largest training facility in telecom technology in the region. The agreement included NGN, Broadband, GSM/GPRS, Data Comm. and STP products. The till now received equipment contains
GSM Modules - Phase II
BTS3012 | BSC6000 | PCU6000 | MSOFTX3000 | UMG8900 |
HLR9820 /td> | SG7000 | SGSN | GGSN | SmartAX MA560. |
Currently, this equipment is in its installation phase.
With the arrival of Huawei's GSM R4 solution equipment, UET has taken a step ahead towards establishment of HUTIC research centre , in the building few yards away from the main Al-KICS building. The older GSM equipment installed in the first phase in also shifted to the new building.